About Us

Development of the Farm Data Code of Practice began with funding by New Zealand dairy farmers through DairyNZ and also the Ministry of
Primary Industries (MPI) as part of the Transforming the Dairy Value Chain PGP Programme. Farm IQ Systems and the Red Meat Profit Partnership
have also provided funding for development and launch of the Code.

Farm Data Accreditation Ltd (FDAL) was established to own and manage the Code of Practice.

Seven industry organisations are the shareholders - Beef+Lamb NZ, DairyNZ, NZ Vet Assoc, Dairy Companies Assoc, Meat Industry Assoc, Federated Farmers , Te Tumu Paeroa. Each of these shareholders appoint on Director to the Board, to govern the Farm Data Code of Practice service.

Day to day administrative services are supplied by DairyNZ .

Review Panel

An independent Review Panel assesses applications for accreditation and makes recommendations to the FDAL Board. The Board appoints people to ensure a good mix of industry, commercial and IT experience exists.

The current Review Panel Members are:

Anders Crofoot – Federated Farmers

David Hallett – CEO, CompanyX

Scott Montgomerie – Farmer, Director on Animal Evaluation Service Ltd

Nicola Shadbolt – Professor in Farm Business Management, Massey University

The initiatives are funded by DairyNZ (through the Transforming the Dairy Value Chain programme), the Red Meat Profit Partnership and the Ministry of Primary Industries through the Primary Growth Partnership. The Farm Data Code of Practice is one of three data integration initiatives driven by the pastoral sector on behalf of farmers. The Farm Data Standards, and the Data Linker are complementary tools aimed at getting data moving across the primary sector - securely, efficiently and within a transparent framework.

© New Zealand Farm Data Code of Practice. All rights reserved.