New Zealand Farm Data Code of Practice

For organisations that collect, store and share
primary production data


The Farm Data Code of Practice requires organisations to outline the steps they take to safeguard farmer data. Compliant organisations agree to disclose their practices and policies around data rights, data processing and sharing, and data storage and security. They will implement practises that provide farmers with utmost confidence their data is safe and is managed appropriately.


The terminology used by farmers on a daily basis is defined differently by the range of organisations with which they share information.

Organisations adhering to the Code commit to using common terminology and dictionaries to make it easier to share – with a farmer’s permission - land and animal data in a very secure manner.

Currently, farm data doesn’t move between organisations in the volumes it could; this is often due to differences in data definitions, the need for multiple data entry or complex integration software.

By increasing the rate at which data can securely move between organisations, the speed of innovation will surely increase. That’s great news for farmers and New Zealand’s rural sector as a whole.


Organisations that have been accredited as meeting the Farm Data Code of Practice will be displaying this accreditation mark.

The initiatives are funded by DairyNZ (through the Transforming the Dairy Value Chain programme), the Red Meat Profit Partnership and the Ministry of Primary Industries through the Primary Growth Partnership. The Farm Data Code of Practice is one of three data integration initiatives driven by the pastoral sector on behalf of farmers. The Farm Data Standards, and the Data Linker are complementary tools aimed at getting data moving across the primary sector - securely, efficiently and within a transparent framework.

© New Zealand Farm Data Code of Practice. All rights reserved.